Copyright wars are damaging the health of the internet

Cory DoctorowAs usual, I’ll let Cory speak for himself.

The internet is important, but the copyright wars treat it as a triviality: like cable TV 2.0; like the second coming of the telephone; like the world’s greatest pornography distribution system. Laws such as the Digital Economy Act provide for disconnecting whole families from the internet without due process because someone in the vicinity is accused of watching TV the wrong way. That would be bad enough, if the internet were merely a conduit for delivering entertainment products. But the internet is a lifeline for families, and giving some offshore entertainment companies the right to take it away because they suspect you of doing them wrong is like giving Brita the power to turn off your family’s water if they think you’ve been abusing your filter; like giving KitchenAid the power to take away your home’s mains power if they think you’ve been using your mixer in an unapproved way.

Read the full article in The Guardian.

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