IL2006: The Social Web

Jesse Andrews, creator of BookBurro & lead developer of Flock

Beyond Browsing

  • About me
    • programmer
    • theoretical quantum computation
    • web deveopment
    • browser development
    • not a librarian
  • Greasemonkey & userscripts
    • the web as your playgound
  • Book Burro
    • userscripts grow into extensions
  • Flock
    • extensions grow into browsers
  • Browser 101: What are URLs
    • resolves to IP address
    • document returned bu that server is (not valid) HTML 4.01 transitional
    • IP address might have information about the URL
    • Google has info abt URL
    • wayback machine may have info
    • technorati may have info
    • browsers use these resources to show render a representation of the url
    • HTML has a recommendation
  • Greasemonkey
    • you provide the information about the URL
    • created bu Aaron Boodman (now @ Google)
    • simple idea
      • update pages
    • fix sites
      • add relevancy (link to Yahoo from Google results)
      • hide ads
      • remove myspace music/backgrounds/styles
    • new functionality
    • new ideas
    • Amazon Music Helper
      • Free legal music
      • lnk directly to the free downloadable MP3s
    • de-xeni
      • Boing Boing
      • removes risque posts
      • greasemonkey repository
      • built in 2 nights in ruby on rails
      • thousands of scripts
      • millions of page views
  • The day greasemonkey changed the internet
    • make requests outside yor domain
  • Book Burro
    • remixing books
    • open data – web services
    • screen scraping for ISBN
    • 300 (horrible) lines of JavaScript
    • unintended uses – acquisitions
    • Book Burro + Libraries
    • Book Burro + World Cat
    • Book Burro + Library Lookup
      • John Udell
    • Book Burro + Talis
      • Silkworm Directory
    • Book Burro + Book Mooch
      • Find in online swap sites
    • Future
      • Side project
      • ideas/requests? tell me.
  • Flock
    • open source social web browser built on firefox
    • flickr
    • advanced search
    • rss reader
    • blog editor
    • full text search of history/bookmarks
    • intergration

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