On reading print vs. ‘e’ when it comes to the brain: In most cases, paper books have more obvious topography than onscreen text. An open…
Category: ebooks
I attended this session yesterday and if you missed it but are interested in the topic, this is a session you should take the time…
Barnes & Noble subsidiary Nook today [April 9th] announced the launch of Nook Press, a self-publishing platform to help the e-reader and e-book seller attract more…
I’ve been saying things like this for a while. Basically, if eBooks are so much better than print books, why are we trying so hard…
You’ve got to listen to this! Peter Rukavina, Jane Pyper, Carolyn Wood, and David O’Brien discuss e-book lending in public libraries. [ca_audio url=”http://podcast.cbc.ca/mp3/podcasts/spark_20130403_53636.mp3″] Source: http://castroller.com/podcasts/Spark/3445341
The New South Wales Government in Australia is gearing up to push eBooks into schools and libraries. They are initiating a new statewide collection of…
As one person said on Facebook…. “Duh!” Digital books are triggering tectonic shifts in education. One of the most fundamental, yet seemingly invisible, shifts is…
What if you took your eReader and separated the processor from the display, putting the bulk of the work into a base station which wirelessly…
Before Engadget was born, the late ’90s saw a rising fear of the millennium bug, not to mention the advent of the first true e-readers.…
Would patrons really pay for the right to borrow ebooks? In the year since Freading launched, that answered would appear to be yes. The convenience…