“Creating a Tech-Related Circulating Collection” in 60 Ready-to-Use Coding Projects edited by Ellyssa Kroski
Your library can make a difference in developing computational thinking in children, teens, and even adults. And you don’t even need to be a techie to make it happen; in fact, many activities in this new book from tech champion Kroski dispense with a screen altogether in favor of twister boards, masking tape grids, or bowling pins. Other activities are built around affordable software or tech toys like Scratch Jr., Scratch, Bee-Bot, or Code-a-Pillar. Organized by age group, and complete with step-by-step guidance on everything from learning outcomes to an estimated budget, projects include
- teaching coding to preschoolers with beads, pipe cleaners, and elastic string;
- choreographing music videos with Ozobots;
- programming Mad Libs-style games using Python;
- teaching algorithms with story mapping, pattern play, or mazes;
- using Scratch for digital dress-up or meme remixes;
- team-building and outreach with robots;
- drop-in programs for exploration and unstructured play; and
- teaching adults with Lynda.com or Meetup partners.
This book’s structured presentation will help both school librarians and programming staff at public libraries quickly scan for projects that fit their needs.

Cemetery Dance Magazine Index (Issues 1-75)
Your ultimate guide to quickly finding anything and everything in the first 75 issues of Cemetery Dance magazine, published between 1998 and 2018 by Cemetery Dance Publications! Our hope is that through this index you’ll find what you’re looking for, rediscover a story you haven’t thought of in years, or better yet, discover something you didn’t even know existed and then have the joy of hunting down that one rare early issue. Featuring more than 250 pages packed full of information, this is the ultimate guide to finding anything and everything that has ever appeared in Cemetery Dance magazine!

“Caught in a Dream”
Dreamcatcher Original Cover Art & Essay Inspired by Stephen King w/ Glenn Chadbourne, The Overlook Connection Press (May 2016)
Original Wrap-around Dust Jacket Painting by Glenn Chadbourne, limited to 500 copies signed & Numbered by the artist and including a Glenn Chadbourne official Gold Seal on each cover. Guest author DJ text by Michael Sauers. A portion of the proceeds from this purchase will go to Stephen Kings Haven Foundation for artists and authors in need.

Emerging Technologies: A Primer for Librarians w/ Jennifer Koerber, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (May 2015)
“Koerber and Sauers have done the
grunt work of figuring it all out… The
content covered and the detailed informa-
tion provided makes for a well-rounded
primer for librarians. The title does not
do the book justice, as it is a one-stop
resource for new ideas.”
— Jill Morningstar, Michigan State
Univ. Libs., Library Journal 15 November 2015
“Koerber and Sauers bring a vision of library technology that is engaging, refreshing, and above all practical. Those in search of more fads to embrace or empty platitudes to quote will need to look elsewhere; this book is full of the kind of useful information and actionable advice that will not only get you excited to tackle new projects in your library, but also help those projects succeed.”
— Jim DelRosso, Digital Projects Coordinator, Hospitality, Labor, and Management Library, Catherwood Library, Cornell University
“I’m impressed with the way Jennifer Koerber and Michael Sauers talk about emerging technologies with a recognition that some of what is emerging is actually old technology in a new context, and the recognition that this is a moving target. Their work will enable librarians to put a stake in the ground about what is emerging now for libraries, so libraries and communities can benchmark what they are doing as well as make a case of learning those things that others have adopted. I can imagine this book being used by library staff and their stakeholders as they work to understand what their communities require.”
— Jill Hurst-Wahl, Director, Library and Information Science & School Media Programs, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

Google Search Secrets w/ Christa Burns, Neal-Schuman, Inc. (October 2013)
“This book serves as a great how-to guide for using the various products available from Google, such as the Web Search, Scholar, Images, Books, Patents, and more… What this title omits in regard to technical jargon, it makes up for in practical and straightforward discussions and examples of how to utilize Google and its powerful search functions and products.”
— Catholic Library World, Hillary B, Veeder, June 2014
“The book contains screen shots on almost every page to help you along your Google way and ends the book with an index. This is an extremely useful book for both patrons and library staff to help them acquire a better understanding of all that is Google. It is highly recommended for public, university, and special libraries.”
—Public Services Quarterly, Melissa Aho, University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library
“The result is a fine survey packed with precise examples and covering aspects of Google that searchers typically may not have used before, and is recommended for any computer reference collection.”
—California Bookwatch v9n10
“The chapters have useful black-and-white screenshots the authors use to describe each aspect of the page pictured, from the top tool bar and navigation options below it, to “Next” at the very bottom of the page.”
—VOYA, February 2014 (Vol. 36, No. 6) – KaaVonia Hinton
“The coolest sections helps you search for patents and music. Complete with screenshot photos, this book is great for librarians and teachers to help enhance their knowledge of locating information.“
—Goodreads user Christa (not Christa Burns)
“A practical book for the geek in all of us. It covers general searching on up to academic research. Easy to read with screenshots and comfortable layout, I recommend this book to anyone curious about Google or wanting to take your searching skills to the next level.“
—Goodreads user Victoria, High Plains Library District
“The authors have researched each section with an almost forensic attention to detail. Virtually every step of the search process is fully explained with multiple screen captures.”
—Online Information Review (Vol. 38, No. 6) – Frank Parry, Loughborough University
“Even the most ardent searchers may have overlooked some of the features highlighted in this book, particularly those features that are less obvious, such as the chevron icon that appears when hovering over articles in Google News (depending on your selected Google News view) which expands the content for that story and offers links to related articles (56), or the numerous views (layers) that can be accessed in Google Maps (77–84).”
—Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, 11(3), Alison Konieczny, Ferris State University

Semantic Web Technologies and Social Searching for Librarians w/ Robin Fay, Neal-Schuman, Inc. (May 2012)
“This book offers a holistic introduction to the tools available and how to utilize them effectively. The authors address the topic in an understandable and logical sequence. I plan to suggest that my library purchase it.” – R. Todd Vandenbark
“The nine case-study accounts that constitute this collection provide much food for thought for librarians in all types of libraries. Lura Sanborn’s advice on applying lessons she learned from watching YouTube beauty tutorials to creating her own library instruction videos is just one example of the hands-on approach of the contributors. Topics covered include online credit-based instruction for undergraduates, digital reference, information-literacy e-learning collaboration, open-source software that supports online interactive learning, screencasting for instruction and reference, and more. An index and brief information about the editors and contributors are included. Definitely worth the time to read and reap some ideas for developing e-instruction for library patrons.”
—Booklist, Esther Sinofsky
“This volume is a collection of nine different articles detailing nine different universities and schools’ experiences with E-Learning. It is obvious from reading this book that there is no one-size-fits-all or even one definition of what E-Learning looks like. Some models were created out of the necessity of reaching more students with limited staff, while other models were designed as online reference desks or to meet the needs of busy students. Others were designed to take advantage of the wealth of information and resources available to today’s student. If you are thinking of creating an online class or tutorial to serve the needs of your students, this book will act as a catalyst. Most chapters include endnotes, several include diagrams and screenshots. This is a timely reference book for academic or secondary librarians.”
— Library Media Connection

Blogging and RSS: A Librarian’s Guide 2nd Edition, Information Today, Inc. (March 2010)
“This is a very sound introduction to the subject and provides some history and background as well as the practical how-to guides. It manages to be clear without patronising and does illustrate how blogging, RSS and Twitter can be used by librarians to the benefit of their services or for their own professional interest and development. I think this book would be excellent for total beginners as well as for those readers, like me, who have picked up bits here and there but would prefer a little more knowledge and confidence in what they’re doing with blogs, RSS and Twitter.”
— Ariadne, Elly Cope , Information Librarian (Cataloguing), University of Bath

Searching 2.0, Neal-Schuman, Inc. (March 2009)
“In Searching 2.0, Michael Sauers, has given us a thorough and enlightening analysis of the concept of Web 2.0, the various search tools and services that employ its features, and how and when these tools and services may best be utilized by librarians. The book is clearly written in accessible language that is easy to read. While the many screenshots are a wonderful feature, colour reproduction (though no doubt prohibitively expensive) would have added to the book. The many notes at the end of each chapter are excellent resources and the inclusion of exercises to support chapter content adds value. Finally, the book’s companion website allows easy access to resources and, since it’s available on Delicious, it can be accessed even when the book is not in hand. Searching 2.0 is a volume well-worth reading, and it should be consulted by reference librarians and searchers in any environment.”
—Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, Collette Saunders, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
“[T]he information presented in this book, coupled with Sauers’s engaging writing style and inherent enthusiasm, not only leaves the reader eager to experiment with all the tools mentioned, but also provides ample justification for using Web 2.0 tools in one’s public or academic library.”
—Reference & User Services Quarterly, Rachel Vacek, Head of Web Services, University of Houston Libraries
“[Sauers encourages] exploration, and her offers very clear instructions for utilizing a diverse aray of useful Web 2.0 tools.”
—Journal of Academic Librarianship, Annie Armstrong, Assistant Reference Librarian & Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
“This book has something for nearly everyone. Even early adapters [sic] of Web 2.0 technology may find an interesting tip. Those who wonder about the usefulness of Web 2.0 for their work will discover several examples, whether in answering reference questions to organizing their own computer.”
—Legal Information ALERT, Barbara L. Fritschel, Law Librarian, U.S. Courts Library, Milwaukee, WI
“Throughout the book, Sauers evaluates the reliability and appropriateness of each tool for searching and suggests best ways to organize them for quick reference access. Screen shots help to visualize concepts being introduced, while exercises in each chapter help put new-found knowledge into practice..”
—Catholic Library World, Betsy Butler
“Searching 2.0 is the next best thing to attending a live presentation or workshop. Recommended for all librarians in need of a good grounding on new search capabilities in Web 2.0.”
—Library Journal, Robert Battenfeld, B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Lib., Long Island Univ., Brookville, NY
“Truly, this is one of the most useful books I’ve read this year… It came just in time for me personally to continue my own professional development. The information is accessible for Web 2.0 tool beginners. However, the application of the tools and the full information he provided about the ways in which the tools work was clear enough to give me the extra bits I need to know about and organize the ideas for me. I’m recommending this book to my friends at [a large well known academic institution] as I type this up.”
(Read more)
“You (and your users, once you show them how) will use Sauers’s advanced and special search methods again and again in your daily reference work, and his enthusiasm will have you running from the book to your computer every ten minutes. Exercises in each chapter will help you cement your new knowledge into practical reference skills.”
— LibraryThing member vpod209.
“Abundant screen shots and hands-on exercises at the end of each chapter reinforce the book;s value as a learning tool. The perplexed will find clear explainations and instructions here, and even those who are at home with Web 2.0 resources will find tips for maximizing their use.”
— Mary Ellen Quin, American Libraries June/July 2009.
“This is a valuable book for any library whose patrons need to find nontraditional sources, and for those serving patrons who might no search in the traditional linear manner. Numerous screen captures and examples ease understanding and following without requiring access to the Internet, while the exercises reinforce the knowledge gained.”
— Sara Marcus, ARBA Online
“The book presents several tools for finding information, how to use them and when to use them. Sauers provides a pedagogical book which guides the reader to the various tools presented. A lot of screen shots make the book easy to follow. There are several good tips and tricks which can help the reader to improve his or her information literacy. Not only does the book present the tools, it also presents the features of the tools that many librarians might be unaware of.”
— David Gunnarsson, Information Research, August, 2009

Blogging and RSS: A Librarian’s Guide, Information Today, Inc. (October 2006)
“Michael Sauers’ book is what the title states: a librarian’s guide to blogging and RSS… [He] sums up his book in the afterword and effectively ties it all together.”
— Theresa M. Nawalaniec, Technical Services Quarterly
“[Presents] a wealth of material… This wonderful introduction will be equally useful for public, special, and academic librarians just beginning their investigations into blogging”
— Jason Griffey, Library Journal, September 15, 2007
“Librarians of all skill and experience levels in the rapidly changing culture and technology of blogging are sure to find valuable insights, instructions, and tips in this invaluable resource covering a topic often overlooked by classical library science instruction.”
— Midwest Review of Books
“The coverage on bloglines is really fantastic and I learnt so many things, even though I’ve been using it for over 8 months. That alone make’s it worth a read.”
— Leslie Crang, librarytwopointzero
“A comphrensive guide to blogging for librarians. From the why through the how, Michael Sauers covers it all!”
— Stephen Abram, President-Elect, SLA
“I wish I had this book when I started blogging and workig with RSS feeds. It would have saved me many ours of work and lots of stress.”
— Bill Drew, Systems Librarian, Morrisville State College Library
“Another classic Sauers how-to resource, this time for beginning to intermediate blogging and RSS. Chock-full of examples, Web sites, references, and screen shots, the text provides practical Library 2.0 solutions for all librarians and information professionals.”
— Susan Johns-Smith, Systems Librarian and Professor of Library and Information Sciences, Pittsburg State University

XHTML and CSS Essentials for Library Web Design, Neal-Schuman (November 2005)
“I found this book to be a great resource on up-to-date web design for
library sites in particular.”
— Melanie Amy Hogue, Chattanooga-Hamilton County Bicentennial Library, January 2007 on Web4Lib
“I’ve been thru a number of html and CSS books lately. Most of them invoke the big yawn reflex (I’m currently a Java developer, and just want answers to my top N questions when I run into a problem). I’ve been looking for a reference book with enough detail and specifics to address my needs, but without all the religious CSS dogma that bogs down so many texts. Organization is top-notch, as is front-to-back readability. Good job, and thanks for writing it.”
—Mike Bowden, Senior Java Developer, Teamsoft, Inc., December 2006
“This book will appeal to and be a useful resource for readers of varying skills, whether they are just getting started in web design or are experiences but looking to brush up and stay current in their skills.”
— Erin McCaffrey, Colorado Libraries, Summer 2006
“For nonweb designers, the title of Michael P. Sauers’ new book, XHTML and CSS Essentials for Library Web Design, may seem incomprehehsible, but with his help, you’ll be fluent in these web standards in no time.”
— Cathleen Bourdon, American Libraries, May 2006
“This book will appeal to and be a useful resource for readers of varying skills, whether they are just getting started in web deisgn or are experiences but looking to bruch up and stay current in their skills.”
— Erin McCaffrey, Colorado Libraries, Summer 2006

The Neal-Schuman Directory of Management Software for Public Access Computers (w/ Louise Alcorn), Neal-Schuman (2003)
“The major points of this directory are its “nuts and bolts” approach and its attention to details. This is not a theoretical treatise on the philosophical wants and needs of “modern library technology” or a manual decipherable only by a regiment of computer geeks. It is written for the practicing librarian who wants the facts (i.e., name of product, version of system required) and wants it now… For libraries needing information now, here it is. This title is recommended for
all librarians, library managers, and the technical staffs for small to medium-sized public libraries.”
— Gelnn Masuchika, ARBA Online
“I found the directory to be laid out in an easy-to-follow format, allowing for nice comparisons among similar products. Whether you are managing a one-person library or are a systems librarian on a large staff, you will find the author’s efforts and insights rewarding.”
—Edward Donnals, Interactive Technology Consultant, Pyrtek Learning Resource Center, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
“This directory will help library managers solve their software problems and select the best management programs to use.”
— Reference & Research Book News, February 2004
“Taming Unruly PACs: Selecting the best software to keep public access computers in tip-top shape can be challenging. Technology experts Michael P. Sauers and Louse E. Alcorn share their evaluations of more than 40 software programs in the Neal-Schuman Directory of Management Software for Public Access Computers.”
— Cathleen Bourdon, American Libraries
“One good use of this book’s information would be for the reader to
create a list of questions to ask vendors when evaluating products.”
— Kathy Schrock, Library Media Connection, April/May 2004
“This manual is invaluable for library for library administrators…”
— Allan O’GradyCuseo, Catholic Library World, June 2004

Using Microsoft Outlook: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, Neal-Schuman (2001)
“As a relative novice, I found this volume great help, and it has left me a user and fan of Microsoft Outlook… This volume will be a most useful and practical one for the librarian’s reference shelf. I have already go back to it a number of times as I seek to simplify my tasks.
— The Australian Library Journal, November 2002
“…this book is highly recommended for beginning users of Outlook 2000. The easy-to-read format, generous use of illustrations, and clear writing style make the book ideal for a beginner to learn the ins and outs of Outlook. The book could also be helpful in teaching a class on Outlook, as it could naturally be used to organize a class session. The book is full of useful tips — while a more advanced user might find most of the information to be a review, it is likely that most anyone could pick up a tip or two from this book.”
— LITA’s Technology Electronic Reviews
“…helps readers manage the time it takes to lean Outlook by successfully dividing instruction of the software into manageable sections.”
— The Book Report
“Using Microsoft Outlook: A How-To-Do-It Manual and CD-ROM Tutorial by computer expert Michael Sauers is a self-explanatory, ‘student friendly’ guide to quick and easy utilization of one of the most popular and widespread e-mail programs today. From scheduling with Outlook’s built-in calendar to managing one’s contacts to customizing Outlook 2000. Using Microsoft Outlook has everything a businessman or lay user needs to know.”
— Midwest Review of Books
“[U]ses library-based examples to explain the uses of every function, including signatures, sorting and filing, scheduling and categorizing contacts, creating and viewing documents, finding lost items, and customizing preferences.
— Book News, Inc.

XHTML Essentials (w/ R. Allen Wyke), J. Wiley & Sons (2001)
If you have the book be sure to check the errata page.
“Whether you are an experienced HTML developer or a novice, this well-written book will lead you clearly through the XHTML language… A powerful feature of the book is the ‘note’, sometimes signposting another chapter or a useful URL, or simply a hint for further work and study… comprehensively [delivers] all that is needed to understand the principles of the XHTML and indeed to use it in practical situations… Overall this is a first class book which deserves a place on the desktop of all developers, whether professional or amateur.
— The Computer Bulletin of The British Computer Society (five star reveiw)
“…[T]his book offers quick, painless solutions for migrating desktop HTML documents… without bogging the reader down in detail.”
— Adobe eBook Catalog, Fall 2002
“Quickly and painlessly, Michael Sauers and R. Allen Wyke get you up to speed on everything you need to know to use this powerful new tool”
— Buy.com
“I like this book because it drills down from the larger topic (XHTML) to address individual topics that can be a learning challenge for web developers.”
— Dr. Dobb’s Journal
“Although this book concentrates on XHTML (the latest wrinkle in Internet markup languages), it does so by first providing an excellent introduction to HTML and XML.”
— Smart Computing Learning Series: Web Tools
“All in all, this book is a very complete and comprehensive guide to web authoring using XHTML and confirms the very high professional level of the Wiley XML Essentials series. The book is warmly recommended to both beginners and advanced webcasters.”
— EBU Technical Review
“This is a very practical title”
— .net
Cited in:
Localizing XML documents using XSLT by Yijun Yu, Ghent University
Development of a Topic Map-Based Navigation Tool for the CANDLE Project by Emilio Martínez, University College of London
Used as a class text at:
The LIS program at the University of Denver, Computer Science program at Indiana University, and Gloucestershire (UK) Business School

Using the Internet as a Reference Tool: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians,Neal-Schuman (2001)
“Subtitled “a how-to-do-it manual for librarians,” this is written by an Internet trainer who appreciates fully the need for clarity. The book includes the relatively simple, e.g. when and when not to use print or online sources, as well as the more complex, e.g. the construction of Web pages. An excellent guide for both beginners and would be experts.”
— William Katz, Introduction to Reference Work, vol. II 8/e
“There is nothing more valuable than a how-to book that is actually what it claims to be. In a fast-changing area like the Internet many of us tend to feel inadequate and reactive. This book is one that will help you catch up and stay ahead of the game… It is really a must-have learning and teaching aid.”
— The Electronic Library, 2002
“…a valuable contribution to he growing range of works on Internet searching, which will complement traditional texts on reference work, such as Katz’sIntroduction to Reference Work. [W]ill reward any reference librarian reading it, and which will be a valuable adjunct to Internet training.”
— Online Information Review, 2002
“…[T]he trouble with reviewing a title such as this is that I found I very easily got diverted into trying out the sites described in the book. There are some fascinating site described here, sites packed with information useful to answering reference enquiries… [The practical exercises] are often quite humorous but instructive at the same time… The overall style is relaxed and informal… It is an easy read, making learning a quite painless exercise.”
— Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
“End-of-chapter exercises are based on actual reference questions, and in many cases are entertaining as well as illustrative. It is written in a conversational tone, is generously illustrates with screen shots of Websites, and the layout is easy on the eye. These factors combine to make for a very readable text… This highly practical book is strongly recommended for all libraries.”
— American Reference Books Annual, 2002
“…offers a focus that is lacking in most other resources. The book’s practice exercises are a strength and enhance the [books’] value as a teaching tool.”
— Business Information Alert
“This is a very readable introduction to reference librarianship using the internet… a useful addition to the shelves at library schools.”
— Library Association Record
“For anyone who answers reference questions, this book is a treasure of practical, insightful information.”
— Wisconsin Valley Library Service
“…both a list of resources and a concise, unintimidating training manual.”
— The [UK] Library Association Record
“…[an] easy to follow, well structured resource that librarians can use fo both themselves, and for their patrons. Not only does this provide some perspective to librarians used to making the ‘switch’ unconsciously, it provides some excellent examples with which to explain the change to both patrons and library students. [T]his is both a great reference book and teaching aid.”
— Bibliotheca Medica Canadiana
“A comprehensive manual that aims to show library and information professionals how to make the Internet an integral part of their reference service. Looks at how to access, evaluate and navigate Internet sites with speed, efficiency and comfort, ensuring that time spent on the Internet is time spent successfully. Clear and easy to use, the manual shows how to integrate the Internet into day-to-day reference services with helpful explanations of the available search tools and evaluation methods.”
— Emerald Library Link
“…does exactly what it sets out to do: improve librarians’ skills at finding information on the Internet. Though most useful for students or new librarians, this book is appropriate even for experienced librarians who can benefit from some of the suggested techniques.”
— Reference & User Services Quarterly
“This book offers a plan for successfully integrating the Internet into your total reference service.”
— Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
“Let’s get right to the point: I like this book because it’s pertinent, proficient, practical, and proven… [T]his guide clearly reflects Sauers’s experience and expertise as an Internet trainer for the Colorado-based Biographical Center for Research’s Internet and Database Services programs, as well as the author of several training manuals and frequent presenter… Appropriate for professional collections in all libraries.”
— Library Journal
“A practical, resourceful, highly recommended “how to” guide.”
— Midwest Review of Books
“…an excellent comparison of print and Internet resources that will aid in justifying the need for both.”
— School Library Journal
“The author’s sense of humour, the easy-to-read style and the useful figures make the book an excellent read: I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
— Amazon.co.uk Reviewer
“…this one is written by an experienced trainer, and contains practical advice, which I will put into practice in my library. I will keep it close at hand on my bookshelf.”
— Free Pint
“I really like the anecdotal style of the book. His experience, and other librarians’ experiences, are used to illustrate the book with examples that I’m sure most readers will relate to. It is littered with examples of excellent and unusual reference sources on the Web… It helped me reinforce good
— Catherine Ure, Heriot-Watt University Library
“Author presents both the challenge and the opportunity provided by the Internet as a reference tool. Objectives include being able to “access, evaluate, and navigate Internet sites with the speed, efficiency, and comfort level” librarians and patrons have enjoyed with print sources.”
— New Mexico State Library
Cited in:
Virtual Reference Services in Public Libraries From “Access to” to “Use of” Information, Marianne Hummelshoj, Associate Professor, MLI. Sc., Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark. Presented at The VRD 4th Annual Digital Reference Conference, November 11-12, 2002. Chicago, IL
Determining Standards for Sources of Free Information on the Internet for Inclusion in Academic Library Holdings by 2010, Douglas D. Cross, 2002.
Has been used as a class text or as recommended reading at:
Library and Information Science Program (University of Denver)
Dowling College Library (Oakdale, NY)
School of Information Resources and Library Science (University of Arizona)
Training Center For Continuing Education of Librarians (Czechoslovakia)
Mastering FrontPage 2000: Forms & CSS, Quessing Courseware Corporation(2000)

Using Microsoft Outlook 2000, Quessing Courseware Corporation (1999) – Reprinted as Microsoft Outlook 2000: One-Day Course by DDC Publishing (2000)
I’ve also ghost-written a few pages of another Neal-Schuman book. Sorry, can’t say what it is.