In this talk, John LeMasney will discuss the trials, tribulations, and successes of creating and teaching classes on Arduino as programming at several New Jersey libraries across the state. Arduino is an open source hardware platform for learning about and making electronics prototypes to scratch your own itch.
It is a well-supported, low-threshold-of-entry approach of inviting those new to electronics to create their own working circuits at a low monetary cost and little existing knowledge. I’ll demonstrate what Arduino is in the larger sense, and why it’s fun and easy to get started with Arduino.
Presenter: John LeMasney, Owner, LeMasney Consulting, is a technologist, consultant, and open source advocate working in New Jersey and beyond. He often works with schools, businesses and libraries to develop technology-oriented training, programming and solutions for all kinds of people.
In this monthly feature of NCompass Live, the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Michael Sauers, will discuss the tech news of the month and share new and exciting tech for your library. There will also be plenty of time in each episode for you to ask your tech questions. So, bring your questions with you, or send them in ahead of time, and Michael will have your answers.
NCompass Live is broadcast live on Wednesdays, from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website or use the World Clock Time Zone Converter. In the Time Zone Converter, NCompass Live is broadcast from U.S.A – Nebraska – Lincoln.
Sessions are recorded for anyone who may want to see them again or who cannot attend them at the scheduled time. Registration is not required to view the archived recordings.
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