CIL2006: Information Literacy & Instruction

Kathleen Stacy, Instruction Librarian, Montgomery College
Chad Soeninger, Reference & Instruction Librarian, Ohio University

Kathleen: How Basic is Basic?

  • Rosy future is… now
    • working toward integrated infro literacy
    • one-shot presentation is flawed but still the reality for many academic libraries
  • Definition
    • One shot
      • a single presentation, usually less than an hour, to a college class
      • conductd by a librarian at the request of a professor
      • may or may not be tied into an assignment
  • We can’t cover everything
    • too much information available to present
    • have to choose carefully
    • it’s all about what you leave out
  • Successful one shots
    • clear objectives
      • often overlooked
      • task based
      • trangible results
    • tied to a task
      • students walk away with something
      • have to apply skills immediately
    • include hands-on time
      • a nod to short attention spans
      • learn by doing
      • time for individual questions
      • time to accomplish the task
    • what to include in presentation
      • lots of how, some what, minimal why
      • the smallest number of steps to perform the task
      • get the students through a task successfully, then add the why
    • What to leave out
      • advanced features
        • advanced searches
        • boolean
      • evaluation of resources and results
      • personal information about instructor
      • jargon
    • The humble handout
      • low tech but effective
      • to take away, inplace of note taking
      • first steps only
      • contact info for more help
      • 1 side, lots of white space
    • Hands-on time
      • need to actually try it, even briefly
      • time needed to complete a task
      • may be squandered

Chad: Wikis in the Classroom – Powerful Tools for Library Instruction

  • Library instruction goals
    • teach tools to accomplish a project
    • teach research/information literacy concepts
    • begin a relationship and dialogue between the librariarn and the students
  • Library instruction challenges
    • 50 minute class length
    • 15-20 classes per quarter
    • college of business has 1700 students
    • penetration of library instruction in the curriculum is spotty
    • I’m only one person
  • More challenges
    • instruction early in quarter may not be relevant later
    • variety of projects means instruction must be scalable
    • location of instruction may vary
    • class requests may be spur of the moment
  • Traditional research guides
    • pathfinder
    • popular method for disseminating library information
    • rarely used
  • limitations of research guides
    • redundancy
    • no interlinking
    • multiple edits of the same content
    • not searchable
    • no way to measure use
    • timely updates are difficult (yearly)
  • What’s a Wiki?
    • editable Web site, by a community of users
    • Wikipedia is best exmple
    • srength of the resource is often dependent on the strength of the community
  • The Biz Wiki
  • Teaching with a wiki
    • wikis make excellent teaching tools
    • replace class handouts
    • examples
      • doing business in another county
      • industry research basics
  • Biz Wiki content
    • point to the best tools with “nugets” of information literacy concepts
    • content can be a guide for general or more specific tpoics
    • wikis support keyword to subject heading concepts
  • Wikis are flexible
    • learning raises more questions
    • wikis offer the flexability to address questions when needed
    • content is easy to edit/update
    • new/updated content is available immediately
  • Wikis are fast
    • example: ref question via IM
    • same question previously from e-mail
    • turned e-mail answer into wiki article
    • sent wiki page as IM answer
  • Wiki build community
    • frequent updates create dialog
    • wikis have feedback mechanisms
    • potential for building/strengthening community of researchers
  • Why a wiki
    • fast
    • scalable
    • can make librarian’s job easier

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