Last week I posted regarding an e-mail I received that I suspected was a creative new way to word spam. Well, it seems, as I…
Tag: marketing
I received this e-mail via the contact form on my blog yesterday: I enjoy attending your workshops, am a regular visitor (read: fan) of your…
George Jaramillo & David Domenico, Colorado State University I spoke to the presenters in advance of their session and they admitted that beyond showing the…
Jill S. Stover, Undergraduate Services Librarian, Virginia Commonwealth University Marketing: It’s not what you think Is important… really Allows you to serve…
Sarah Houghton, Marin County Free Library Joe Latini & Ken Weil, South Huntington Public Library Jenny Levine, The Shifted Librarian Aaron Schmidt, Thomas Form Memorial…
Ken Weil & Joe Latini, South Huntington Beach Public Library First public library to circulate iPod shuffles! Started with a collection of 29 titles Starting…
Here’s one from the Axe Library: Reward the attendees of BI sessions bygiving them one free full-text printout.
Steven Abram (a librarian who travels more than I do and all around swell guy) has some thoughts on comparing hotel WiFi and library WiFi:…
Louise is looking for “user experience” stories when it comes to offering WiFi in your library. More details and contact information can be found below.…
Here’s a neat idea: allow your patrons to check out a person from the library. via LISNews