TagFetch is a new search engine that allows you to enter a keyword and perform a search against the tags in flickr, YouTube, Newsvine, reddit,…
Tag: del.icio.us
Ah, the socialness of Web 2.0… I’ve got my own tag in del.icio.us.
I’ve been tagged… Four jobs you have had in your life: 1. Internet Trainer 2. Writer 3. Bookseller 4. Clerk @ a Bed, Bath, &…
CIL2006 Presentation Originally uploaded by travelinlibrarian. The slides for my post conference on RSS are finished and the file’s been sent off to IT for…
Yes, I will be attending CIL06 this year in Washington, DC (March 22-25). I’m ariving on Wednesday afternoon, attending the sessions on Thursday and Friday,…
I’m woring on my next book and currently writing the chapter on del.icio.us. What I need is for some folks to send me some links…
I’m planning on being very open when it comes to this next book. To get started, if you’re interested in seeing what sort of sites…
Everything cool is beta, or maybe even pre-alpha. WiFi is necessary at conference, it’s no longer an option. Social software is where it’s at (del.icio.us,…
Just finished listening to a podcast of Joshua Schachter of del.icio.us and, despite the audio quality royally sucking I did learn one interesting bit: the…
While listening to an episode of the Web 2.0 podcast on the way home I got an idea. Using Feed Digest I’ve created a single…