Category: ebooks
The book-crammed Free Library of Philadelphia has found a way to stay relevant in the 21st century: ebooks. Last year, 28 percent of the Free Library’s total circulation of…
Seriously Adobe. As if your DRM isn’t enough of a pain in the rear already, when I updated your Digital Editions software to version…
Every major publisher sells e-books with encryption that basically prevents unlawful sharing and distribution to file sharing sites. Adobe is the leading DRM solution and…
We are thrilled to announce the 2014 edition of Some of the Best from, an anthology of twenty-six of our favorite short stories, novelettes,…
Would you like paper or plasma? That’s the question book lovers face now that e-reading has gone mainstream. And, as it turns out, our brains…
‘Tis the day before Christmas and all through the land, librarians brace for the upcoming influx of patrons with new tablets wanting to know how…
We all know that it’s against the law to sell copyrighted material, but is it also illegal to tell people about software that can strip…