Do you wish your team took more ownership? Here’s how to get your team to the point where you trust them to get the job done without you.
As a CEO coach I’ve heard statements like these many times:“My VP just isn’t pulling his/her weight”
“I don’t trust him/her to do the work properly”
“My team don’t act like owners”
Sound familiar?
When I first started managing people, I wanted to give as clear direction to my team as possible so they could make their own decisions. But with business assumptions changing on a daily basis, I ended up taking most of the important decisions myself, or even jumping in and doing their work for them.
It put a huge amount of stress on me. Resentment built up and I delegated less and less. With so much on my plate, I was running the risk of burnout, and as my team saw this spiral, they became demotivated . . . and the vicious spiral continued.
How do you learn to trust people and help them step up?
Read the full article @ Medium
Image CC Frans Peeters