Carl Colwill, BT DEsign Security Risk & Compliance, UK
- “The insider will always be the greatest threat”
- Worry about the senior people, not just the lowest people
- hard to distinguish your people from 3rd party people due to so much outsourcing
- it’s a rapidly changing world
- national and international boundaries are being stretched
- India is a playground for intelligence communities right now
- risk assessments are essential
- incorporate regional factors
- what are the crown jewels?
- highlight risk priorities
- identify layers of control
- streamlined risk assessment tools need to feed into business decisions
- By outsourcing you may actually be giving away confidentially
- new opportunities for attack
- loyalty thresholds
- most threat agents will apply inducements to turn insiders
- failing that they’ll infiltrate with their own people
- complex mix of threat agents and influences
- what can be done?
- many controls
- physical
- logical
- personnel
- key topics
- categorizing 3rd parties
- segregation (physical & logical)
- minimum privileges (physical & logical)
- system & user account mgt
- many approaches can be applied to build trust and relationships
- but allin the context of massive vendor staff churn
- it’s not just about technology
- compliance is fundamental
- evidence &detection
- ongoing education and awareness
- requires periodic onsite visits
- conclusions
- outsourcing is increasing attach posibilities
- these threats can be assessed, modeled & managed
- however can be expensive
- it’s a balance of risk and cost