IL2006: Wikis in Libraries

Nicole EngardIntroduction to Wikis
Nicole C. Engard

  • What is a wiki
    • editable website that doesn require HTML.
    • records changes
    • allows for reversion
  • A colleciton of web pages
    • wiki pages look like web pages
    • anyone with a browser can read
    • anyone with the proper permissions can edit
  • collaborative spaces
    • brainstorming
    • draft policies
    • share secratary responsibilities in a meeting
    • empowers the user
  • Wikipedia
    • the free encyclopedia
    • millions of articles
  • why ise a wiki
    • easy to learn
    • easy to share knowledge
    • easy to collaborate across borders
    • ability to revert
    • ability to track changes
    • fosters collaboration
  • Examples
    • ALA Chicago Wiki
      • mediawiki
    • LISWiki
    • Library Success wiki
    • IL2006 wiki
      • pbwiki
  • Wiki software
    • pbwiki
      • hosted
    • twiki
    • jotspot
    • list @

DSC03567Fostering Collaboration: Nicole’s story of the Jenkins Intranet

  • Jenkins Intranet Timeline
    • 2001: Intranet 1.0
    • 2005: Computers in Libraries & Startegic Plan
    • 2006: Intranet 2.0!!
  • Problems to solve
    • no easy way to collaborate between departments
    • poor navigation on old intranet
    • important data locked in word docs
    • centralized control of content with Web team
  • Enter Intranet v2
    • Totally written by Nicole
    • Task centric orgainzation
    • WYSIWYGPro (not free but discounted for non-profits)

DSC03572Darren Chase: An Agreeable Wiki

  • We had a woodpile
    • scenario
      • large staff
      • diverse nowledge & expertise
      • wide variety of projects
      • communication is compartmentalized
    • original intranet was a woodpile
      • shared windowd folders on network drives
      • woodpile: knew where the wood was but finding a specific piece was dificult
  • our needs, desires and secret wished
    • collaboration
    • documentation/policies
    • troubleshooting FAQs
    • in-house control
    • web accessible
    • organization
    • ease of use
  • kaleidoscope of options
    • keep the woodpile
    • static HTML pages
    • CMS
    • blog
    • wiki
  • and the winner is…
    • phpwiki
    • dokuwiki
    • kwiki
    • wikiwikiweb
    • mediawiki
    • twiki (the winner)
    • compare software @
  • Twiki
    • easy editing
    • access control
    • file locking
    • webs (multiple wikis)
    • revision control
    • plug-ins
  • building Twiki
    • linux
    • apache
    • perl 5.8
    • perl modules (instead of SQL databases)
    • plug-ins
  • refreshing wiki
    • implementation is done
    • training and buy-in depends on staff support
    • support builders
      • make it easy to join & use
      • keep it simple
      • must be real world
      • hands-on training
      • continuing wiki refleshment
  • fear, love, the fear of love, the love of fear
    • [showed the live wiki]

Sorry, left at the break so I don’t have notes from the other two presenters.

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