IL05: Marketing the Weblog

Jill S. Stover, Undergraduate Services Librarian, Virginia Commonwealth University

  • Marketing: It’s not what you think
    • Is important… really
    • Allows you to serve patrons better
    • Has 5 parts
      • Target market
      • Product
      • Price
      • Place
      • Promotion
  • Seth Godin – “All Marketers are Liars”
  • The Marketing Mix
    • Circle: TM in the middle, the four Ps outside in quarters
  • – marketing tutorials
  • It’s all about your target market : questions to ask
  • PEW Data
    • 65% of net users not sure of RSS
    • 26% never heard of RSS
    • 5% use aggregators
    • Most bloggers are men under 30, net savy & well off financially
  • Market Research
  • Find a perfect match
    • Segmentation
    • Good segments are
      • Distinct from others
      • Homogenous within
      • “profitable”
      • Measurable
      • Researchable
    • Lots of ways to segment
      • Age groups
      • Undergrads / grads
      • Activities / interests / opinions (observable behavior)
    • Find a friends segment & learn about it
  • Product (content & design)
    • Your blog
    • Content
    • Design
      • Reflects content & audience
      • Gets attention
      • Reinforces brand image
      • Examples
        • Summer Book Blog
        • Teen News
        • (addresses not given)
      • Resources
        • WebMonkey
  • Price: Yours and your patrons’. Make your blog worth it!
  • Place
  • Promotion (do this last!)
  • Homework
    • What does success man to you
      • Talk Digger
      • FeedBurner
      • Review other blogs
      • www.blogwithoutalibrary.onet
      • Google blog search
    • Learn from other bloggers
      • Bloglines for librarians

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