IL05: Lunchtime comments

Well, the morning was fun and informative as expected. The free WiFi works in the “conference center” as expected. It is available in the Steinbeck Room (where I’m spending the day) but it’s spotty. I got dropped once during the first session and once during the second one. I comfirmed this with others in the room so it is the service, not my laptop.

Also, there are not readily accessable power outlets in Steinbeck. So, on breaks it’s first come first serve for us slaves to the juice.

Lastly, here’s a tip for a fantastic conference: if you plan on spending lunch by yourself, try and hook up with some other attendees that are doing the same. I and two others showd up at India’s Clay Oven at the same time and we all started to sit down, by our selves, at individual tables. I suggested we all share a table and had some great conversation about the conference, where we were from, and what we all do. Don’t be shy, say hi.

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