IL05: Blogs & Wikis Face Off

Jenny Levine, The Shifted Librarian

Steven M. Cohen, PubSub Concepts, Inc.

  • What happened today?
  • Other wikis that work
  • Advantage: blog
    • East to post
    • Chronological order
    • Automatic RSS feeds
    • Comments to posts
    • Only authors can edit the contents of a post
    • Why might the blog work? Because it gives non-bloggers a place to post thoughts and it could be easy to audioblog.
    • Why might a blog not work? Because bloggers already have a place to blog, and non-bloggers don’t want to blog.
  • Advantage: Wiki
    • Anyone, anywhere can contribute
    • True equalized collaboration when accounts are not required
    • Can create any order/flow to the information
    • Why work: Anyone can connect @ conference or not
    • Why not: Not sure what to add and where to add it.
  • Advantage: Technorati
    • Automatically brought together all posts from participating blogs if tagged
    • It’s been a lot of fun
  • Advantage: Flickr
    • 105 photos in less than two days
    • Mass tagging
    • Human beings
  • Ideas/comments from the audience
    • Online tickler file
    • FARQ: Frequently Asked Reference Questions (blog)
    • RSS to email – RMail
    • There is a module for MediaWiki that will output RSS feeds
    • Google announced web-based database service today [M: All your base belong to Google]
    • Blog ownership content issues, what are they?
      • What you write is yours
      • Re-use
      • Work product
      • Trademark blog vs. Bloglines
      • Creative Commons License
      • “flickr owns your pics” – complaints – changed the language
      • Scholarly version of
    • Powermarks –
      • For-fee social bookmarking
      • More powerful than
      • But not social
    • Library Thing

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