IL05: Blogging @ the University

Susan Herzog, Eastern Connecticut State University

  • What is a blog
    • Brief informational posts in reversed chronological order
    • Frequently links to additional content
    • Timestamp for each post
    • Archives of previously posted content
  • Library Weblogs
    • Diary
    • News service
    • Collection of links
    • Book reviews
    • Project reports
    • Photographic record
  • Anatomy of a typical post –
  • Why read blogs?
    • Personal & Professional
    • Keep current
    • No spam! (hopefully – i.e. comment spam & splogs)
  • Why create blogs?
    • Professional publishing
    • Personal publishing
    • Provide information
  • Why blogs
    • Easy to
      • Create
      • Update
      • Publish
      • Collaborate
    • No
      • HTML
      • Web page creation software
      • FTP
      • $$$$$
  • Pew Internet & American Life Report: The State of Blogging
    • Does your library have RSS yet?
    • More importantly a blog?
    • Don’t be left out in the cold
  • University Blogs
    • PR
    • Intranet
    • Outreach
    • Portfolio
    • Recruiting
    • Collaboration
    • Communication
    • Course management
    • Knowledge management
  • Academic Library Blogs
    • PR
    • Intranet
    • Outreach
    • Library news
    • Subject blogs
    • Virtual Reference
    • ILL
    • Systems
    • Cataloging
    • Preservation
  • First steps
    • Find academic library blogs
    • Start reading blogs
    • Blogging presentations @ conferences
  • Find academic library blogs
    • Google search: blog university library
  • Creating a library blog
    • Why
      • To communicate w/ your users
      • To communicate w. your staff
  • For user communication
    • Library news
    • Recent acquisitions
    • Announce new services
    • Recommended research sources
    • Supplement/replace library newsletter
    • Book/movie/web site recommendations
  • For internal communication
    • Announcements for staff
    • Project management
  • Benefits of library blogs
    • Easy, no HTML required
    • Quick – Blog This!
    • Free – software purchase not required
    • Innovative, cutting edge
    • Attracts younger users
  • Steps for creating a library blog
    • Consider purpose & audience
    • Choose software
    • Develop policy
    • Select a template
    • Educate staff
    • Post content
    • Market your blog
  • Audience
    • Students
    • Faculty
    • Staff
  • Software
    • Blogger
    • Moveable type
    • Radio Userland
  • Develop a policy
    • Be sure it reflects well on your library
    • Guidance for bloggers on what is and is not appropriate
  • Select a template
    • Features
      • Archives
      • Blogroll
      • RSS feed
    • Choose color schemes and style
    • Test in multiple browsers
  • Educate staff
    • Who will post
    • One person or team
    • Train staff on the software
  • Post content
    • Develop a consistent style
    • Use your own voice
    • Check spelling and grammar
    • Post often
  • Market your blog
    • E-mail
    • Press release
    • etc… (see previous session)
  • Examples

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