Sarah Houghton, Marin County Free Library
Joe Latini & Ken Weil, South Huntington Public Library
Jenny Levine, The Shifted Librarian
Aaron Schmidt, Thomas Form Memorial Library
I’m just going to run all of the predictions and recommendations together instead of separating them out by presenter and keep them brief. If you can’t tell what the suggestion/prediction is talking about, you’ve got some reading to do.
- Opening up public computers
- Virtual Reference visits Jenny Craig
- The Googlzation of the masses (a.k.a. the OPAC sucks)
- Librarian Avatars
- Ubiquitous wireless: Citywide iniatives
- Serving the information/connection poor
- eInk & ePaper
- Enable our content to interact with people, itself, and the Web making libraries easy
- Web 2.0
- Blogs
- Wikis
- Instant Messaging
- Podcasting
- Firefox plugins
- Browser toolbars
- Libraries need to be more agressive in how we provide services (stop waiting, just do it)
- Accept credit cards for fees & overdues
- Deliver more information and content via the Net (become a distributor)
- Take more advantage of staff knowledge
- Better PR/marketing
- Customized services
- Get out from behind the reference desk
- Take risks & don’t be afraid to fail
- Let the libraries have control over eAudiobook loan periods