Missing my caucus won’t matter anyway

I was kind of excited once I figured out that Colorado has caucusses instead of a primary. (I didn’t bother find out four years ago since Gore was going to get the nomination anyway.) The CO caucus is in April but I’ll be out of town that day so my excitement quickly disappeared. Trouble is, only fourteen states have voted and four candidates have already dropped out. By the time we get to April, will Colorado’s votes for the Democratic nomination really matter? Will anyone but Kerry and Shaprton be left? Probably not.

What I did discover today was a plan from the National Association of Scretaries of State to revise the national promary system. This plan would break the country up into four regions. One region would vote on a day in March. Then the other three follow on single days in Arpil, May, and June. Which region got to go first would rotate. This sounds like an excellent plan to me. Now, if we could just get 50 state legislatures to go along with the plan…

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