EOL for NT4

For those of you still using NT4 (me included on the computer connected to my SCSI scanner) you’ve been warned. End-of-life (i.e. end-of-support) is on…

Rocky mountain sla Last night I gave a presentation on blogs & RSS to the Rocky Mountain chapter of the Special Library Association. My co-presenter…

Hawaiian library disaster From Library Underground On Saturday night, a flash flood swept through the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus in Honolulu. The flood…

This post brought to you by the letter t. I’m on my second Treo 600. This one is having a problem. I’m not upset with…

Who’s on first? Bud Abbott and Lou Costello’s famous sketch “Who’s on first?” Might have turned out something like this If done in 2004 COSTELLO…

Still using IE? Well, then stop already! According to Symantec “the number of new viruses and worms aimed at Microsoft Corp.’s ubiquitous Windows operating system…

Updated media player Microsoft released Media Player 10 today. Links takes you to info & download. Looks like it has some nice features include the…