Stephen M. Cohen, Senior Librarian, Law Library Management, Inc. AJAX Beta Browster CoComment Cohen Family Recipies ( Digg Econsultant (Web 2.0 directory) flickr gmail (chat)…
Tag: wikis
Introduction to Wikis Nicole C. Engard What is a wiki editable website that doesn require HTML. records changes allows for reversion A colleciton of web…
Karen Coombs, University of Houston Jason Clark, Montana State University Karen: Incorporating Web 2.0 into Library Web Sites What is Web 2.0 Services to collaborate…
Yes, everything you wanted to know about the muppets but were afraid to ask in a wiki. via Library Stuff
In my RSS workshop I explain to my students that there are multiple versions of RSS available for them to use, never mind that fact… gives you the scoop on cost, location (via Google Maps for you mashup fans), and distance from the airport. Here’s the page for my…
Mozilla Firefox 2 Beta 1 has been released. I’m actively considering not installing it as I use many of my extensions daily and don’t want…
Michelle at the State Library of Iowa has started a reader’s advisory named iread. It’s just getting started so there’s not a lot of content…
If this Wikipedia article doesn’t prove its worth, nothing ever will.
Douglas Rushkoff is thinking about turning his PhD dissertation into a Wiki and is looking for participants. “The recent hubub about Wikipedia makes my thesis…