My blog post from this day in 2005… I was sitting outside the Pella, IA public library earlier this morning waiting for it to open…
Tag: #TBT
I started logging book I’ve read back in 1990. The first one listed is Robin Cook’s Harmful Intent. According to my log I’ve not read another…
I’ll spare you the full effect. If you want it, just click the image.
The Sauers family stylin’ in 1977.
From Know You’re Meme: I Kiss You! is a popular internet meme based on the personal homepage of Mahir Cagri from Izmir, Turkey, who unknowingly…
UNL Campus, October 23, 2013
Graduation day, SUNY Brockport, 1992. Yep, my mom and I graduated from college together.
All alone in Second Life back in March 2007.