Take a second to hold down the “S” key and right-click on any image on the web. Whoa, right? The results vary by browser: Chrome:…
Tag: browser
I’ve been using Firefox 32 all day and it’s just now that I noticed some new buttons at the top of the right-click popup menu:…
From today forward, gone is the need to move your mouse to enter a URL into your browser’s address. Next time, just press F6 and…
In Chrome, press CTRL-SHIFT-DELETE and you’ll be taken directly to the Clear browsing data screen for easy access to clearing your cache and other memories.
Try these: Type a keyword into Firefox’s URL bar then press CTRL-Enter. You’ll end up @ http://www.keyword.com. Type a keyword into Firefox’s URL bar then…
This tip works in IE, Chrome & Firefox. (I don’t have Safari so would someone be willing to confirm if it works there?) The quickest…