BCR (MPOW) launched its new Web site this morning and the recently launched BCReview is now a blog powered by Blogger. Be sure to check…
Tag: bcr
Backroom Disaster (3) Originally uploaded by travelinlibrarian. Yesterday I decided to take a day off from BCR, sleep in, get some stuff done around the…
BCR (MPOW) is looking for a Systems/Network Administrator. The pay is good and no travel required that I’m aware of.
What Can U Plug Into a USB? Originally uploaded by travelinlibrarian. This past week in Iowa I presented “What Can U Plug Into a USB”…
As I write this I’m sitting in seat 10C on a United flight from Reno, NV to Denver, CO after aproximately 24 hours in Nevada.…
On Friday, June 9, OCLC and RLG announced that RLG member institutions have approved a proposal to combine operations with OCLC, clearing the way for…
The official information about the conference is now available on the InfoToday site. Here’s what I’m doing: Sunday, October 22nd Workshop 19 — Integrating RSS…
On behalf of the BCR Board of Trustees, I am very pleased to announce Brenda Bailey-Hainer as the new Executive Director of BCR effective July…
I started another series of online RSS workshops today and the first homework assignment is to find five feeds that the student is interested in.…
In a last-minute squeak-through I, Lori Bell, and Tom Peters will be presenting on the Second Life Library 2.0 project at Internet Librarian 2006. Probably…