Spam text Found at the bottom of a spam I received today. If it has meaning I don’t get it. snowfall peddler pilings wallows appalling…

I’m not trying to keep it from the kids. i’m trying to keep it from everyone! The Weld Library District out here in Colorado is…

Out of print According to XHTML Essentials has gone out of print. I’d rather have heard of this from my publisher… (Good thing I’ve…

Dean koontz book update I’ve just added new listings for the BCE of Odd Thomas, the essay “Where There’s a Will”, and The Book of…

On writing “Yo, I’m astounded by people who take 18 years to write something. That’s how long it took that guy to write Madame Bovary.…

What a mess Memo to self. Don’t try to cook dinner and bake cookies at the same time. It leaves a heck of a mess…

She’s a librarian The New Jersey State Library has a new video out promoting libraries. Of course, all of the librarians are women.

Guru It seems that someone thinks I’m an “Internet guru“. (scroll way down) Next people will be calling me an ‘expert’.