12 Best Fictional Libraries

AdventureTimeLibraryI can’t argue with this list all that much. How about you?

There are few things more relaxing than immersing yourself in a good book. Maybe it’s a rainy day, maybe you’ve finally got got your hands on the newest J.K. Rowling novel or maybe you’re just re-reading an old favorite. Either way, to ensure optimum mental health it’s important to unplug and appreciate the written word once in awhile. And the perfect reading spot? The library, of course.

Not only do libraries offer a wealth of reading material, but they also provide a quiet, distraction-free reading zone. While there are certainly some impressive real-life libraries, few match the ambiance of these incredible and iconic fictional ones. To get everyone’s reading-juices flowing, we’ve compiled a list of 12 of our favorites. Be sure to tell us your favorite fictional library in the comments section below.

12. Turtle Princess’ library from Adventure Time
In the Land of Ooo’s cavernous library, Jake and Finn meet the secret guardians of books, the Pagelings and learn valuable lessons about problem solving. They’re also constantly shushed by the librarian, Turtle Princess.

Read the full list @ Paste Magazine.