The Georgia Library Association is pleased to announce the November 2011 session of the Carterette Series Webinars (
As of the upcoming session, the Carterette Series Webinars will be expanding our scope to include notable national speakers in addition to our homegrown Georgia talent. As always, the series will continue to highlight trends, innovation, and best practices in libraries. Registration remains free and open to anyone, anywhere. Topics are chosen to be of interest to employees of all library types and each session is approved for one Georgia Continuing Education (CE) contact hour.
Can’t make it to the live show? That’s okay! The sessions will be recorded and available on the CSW site for later viewing. (
Presented by Michael Sauers
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. EASTERN STANDARD TIME
In this session Michael Sauers, the Nebraska Library Commission’s Technology Innovation Librarian, takes you on a tour of Google+, Google’s latest attempt at creating a social network. At only a few months old it already has more than 50 million users and was designed with privacy in mind from the beginning. Is Google+ a Facebook killer? Is it something you should be paying attention to? Should your library be there? Michael will give his answers to these questions and more.
Michael Sauers is currently the Technology Innovation Librarian for the Nebraska Library Commission in Lincoln, Nebraska and has been training librarians in technology for more than 15 years. He has also been a public library trustee, a bookstore manager for a library friends group, a reference librarian, serials cataloger, technology consultant, and bookseller. He earned his MLS in 1995 from the University at Albany’s School of Information Science and Policy. Michael’s tenth book, Blogging & RSS: A Librarian’s Guide, Second Edition was published in October 2010. He has also written dozens of articles for various journals and magazines. In his spare time he blogs at, runs Web sites for authors and historical societies, is past-chair of the Nebraska Library Association’s Information Technology and Access Round Table, takes many, many photos, and reads more than 100 books per year.
Please contact a member of the Carterette Series Planning Team with questions or suggestions.
Karen Viars:
Tessa Minchew:
Sarah Steiner: