I’ve got one word for Google calendar: WOOT! Ah, the long sad story of my calendar in my professional life…
When I started at BCR back in 1997 they bought for me one of those paper organizers and every year I got the new pages. This was cool but I lived online and carrying around this big paper and leather thing when you traveled as much as I did sucked big time. These feelings got worse when I got my first Palm pilot and had a calendar on my device. Trouble is, by that time I had my paper calendar, Outlook at work, Outlook on my laptop, Outlook on my home desktop, and my calendar on my Palm. I could sync, but did you ever try to sync four devices? Good luck getting that to work, especially back in 2001.
Many versions of Outlook, and many smartphones later, Google Calendar has pretty much solved my problems. I still have to sync my office copy of Outlook to Google Calendar but that takes care of itself every two hours. My phone is an Android phone so Google Calendar is built right in. My tablet, also Android so Google Calendar just works. On any other computer in the world, just give me Web access and my calendar’s right before me.
And, since my wife also has an Android phone I can see her calendar right along with mine. (Now, if I can just get her to remember that when she invites me to an event she needs to send it to my gmail address, not the other one…)