Nebraska Learns 2.0 is taking a short break and encouraging all of our participants to take part in the multi-national 23 Things for Professional Development started by a bunch of wonderful folks over in Cambridge, England. So, as a participant in the Nebraska Program I’ll be participating in CPD23 myself.
Thing #1 is to write about blogging and say a little about my career. Wow, start with an easy question why don’t you? Let’s get the career thing out of the way and to do so I’m going to cheat. I’m just going to point you over to a recent interview of me by the students at the UNT LISSA program. Really that will tell you pretty much all you need to know if you don’t know me already.
As for why I blog, that’s a little tougher. It started as a way to let me parents know where I was in any given week back when I traveled for work much more than I do now. Over the years it’s developed (I’m not sure I’d say matured) and changed. Maybe the best word is mutated. Yes, I talk about librarianship and technology but I’m not against sharing a Muppet video or two. It established my presence online and lets people know about me. Ultimately I guess I blog because I can but should because I also teach other how to do it so there’s a measure of “keeping my skills up” that works into all this.
Thing #2 is to take a look at some of the other participants blogs and report back. This I’m a little afraid to do. I’m already following hundreds of feeds in Google Reader and on a certain level I’m afraid that I’ll find lots of good stuff that I’ll just have to follow. So instead I’m going to just mention two blog in particular.
The first is You Could Be Right. This one is from a co-worker who I’ve been trying to get to blog for a few years now and she’s always shied away from it in the end. Now, because of CPD23 she’s giving it a try and I want to encourage her as much as possible.
The other is [Techno] Librarian, who I randomly picked out of the CPD23 participants list because I think I don’t read enough blogs from outside of the US, especially when it comes to librarianship. So I limited the list to UK and Public and that title looked interesting to me. Let’s see how it goes.
It’s one of those little ironies that I’m learning more about Nebraska’s 23 Things/2.0 training by signing up for the UK version.
I noticed another Nebraska librarian on the list & her Blog O’ Randomness, and I envy her the trip to CIL.
I work in Tennessee (in a similar agency) and our statewide resource sharing consortium, TENN-SHARE, has hosted a 23 Things based learning program each summer since 2008 also. It’s stripped down this year, partially because we had to stop using our nifty Ning site when they started charging.
I haven’t ever been a blogger, but I do read quite a few of them. I can see from your blog that there is a lot I could learn from you about it.
I can’t believe you have no comments!! It is nice to see the NLC staff doing this along with the rest of us. I look forward to seeing what you all have to say about this.
Just an hour or so after posting that comment, I went to our Learn & Discover site – the one mentioned above, and wouldn’t you know it? Lesson one is a webinar from the Nebraska Library Commission – “Living in the Cloud: How Using Online Services Can Let You Soar” – hosted by you and Christa. Nice coincidence.