Drive-By Users

I heard a new library term the other day: “drive-by users”. What really made me notice is that the person using it (one of the local library system’s regional managers,) followed it up by saying “like Michael here.” It seems a drive-by user is one who looks everything up online, places his holds, and then stops into the library long enough to pick up the book, say hi, and then walk out the door again. Guilty as charged.

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3 Replies to “Drive-By Users”

  1. Now all libraries have to do is figure out how to install windows that will let drive-by users (of which I’m one as well) become drive-through users.

  2. So true! If I’m not in a rush (which is almost never) I actually get to peruse the shelves for something to read. But for 90% of the time it’s the dashing in to pick up my stuff and self checking out. I’m just glad my library offers it.

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