As you may have noticed I haven’t been blogging much for the past week and what I have posted has been of little consequence. Well, that’s because things are changing in my life that are taking up a lot of my time right now…
I am happy to announce that one week ago yesterday, I officially accepted an offer from the Nebraska Library Commission to be their Technology Innovation Librarian starting 1 March 2007. This means that I will be finishing up a 9.5 year run at BCR in mid-February and moving to Lincoln, NE.
This all that The Travelin’ Librarian will continue to travel just not as much, not as far, and mostly by state car instead of United Airlines. (So much for earning premier status…) I still plan on presenting at conferences and, as I understand it, will not be prohibited from accepting other speaking requests outside of Nebraska. (Normal scheduling issues still apply.)
I accepted the position for several reasons. First, the lower amount of travel. Yes, I enjoy traveling but after more than nine years it does start to take its toll. Second, I’m feeling a bit stretched thin with having to cover an eleven-state region. Believe me, I love having worked with all of you in the BCR region but focusing on just one state allows me to work more closely with libraries on special projects and to focus my efforts. Third, there’s nothing more Library 2.0 than having the title “Technology Innovation Librarian”.
So, please bear with me over the next three months as I blog about movers, packing, and getting my house sold. I’ll try to keep up the tech and library posts as much as I can but some of that may have to be put on the back-burner for a little while.
Wow! Congratulations! Very cool job title. Sounds like this will suit you well. I do hope that our paths cross (again) in person at some conference.
Congratulations! Nebraska is lucky to be getting you.
BTW, I like the billboard announcing your appointment!
congratulations, Michael! well-deserved
How Cool! Congrats!
Congrats! The BCR members will miss you. But, hey, welcome to the state library thing!
Congratulations. We will miss you in Colorado, though.
One fewer liblogger in the Mountain Time zone!
Congrats Michael!
Glad to hear the official announcement.
And congrats on one of the cooler job titles I’ve seen in awhile.