IL2006: Monday Keynote

Grabbing Attention
J.A. Jance
(Masters of Education in Library Science)

  • “Edge of Evil” written with a lot of blog posts
  • Wizard of Oz books in school
  • Wanted to be a writer so she signed up as an English major
  • “you’re a girl” so wasn’t let into the creative writing class
  • Girls who wanted to be doctor’s grew up to be nurses
  • Married a guy in the creative writing class
  • Husband: “there’s only going to be one writer in our family and it’s me”
  • He was a chronic alcholholic
  • 18 years of loving him hadnt fixed him
  • Divorced him
  • He wanted her back
  • Left Phoenix for Seattle in 1981
  • Kept her fear from the kids
  • Sold life insurance for 10 years
  • Took Dale Carnegie course
  • Class about giving a talk on something that changed the course of your life
  • Previously her life crossed the path of a serial killer
  • Her family was scheduled to be the next victim but he was caught
  • That had sown the seeds of her divorce
  • After talk classmate said that the story should be written as a book
  • Started the book in March 1982
  • 4am-7am every morning was the only time she had to write
  • Writing felt comforatble and what she was always meant to do
  • Finished in three months
  • Referred to an agent
  • Brought first mms which was 1200 pages long
  • “Cut it in half”
  • Fiction was fine, real stuff was unbeliveable
  • Suggested she write something completely fictional
  • Still has the same agent 35 books later
  • Got life insrance from husband’s death
  • Used 10% of insurance to buy and computer
    • dual floppies
    • 128k RAM
    • Daisy wheel printer
  • Now has a Porsche and a private jet
  • Where do I get my ideas
    • Gather them as I travel around
  • Read UofA alumni magazine from cover to cover to get past writer’s block
  • Newly reconsitituted creative writing program
  • Could she come be the writer in residence?
  • “We don’t do anything with genre fiction, only literary fiction”
  • Healed of writer’s block instantly!
  • In 2000 they gave her an honorary doctorate
  • UofA just got her archive (including the computer)
  • What does the Internet do for me?
  • Allows her to hear from people in an immediate way
  • Even the people who think she’s ugly and feels she should know their opinion
  • Wrote that person into her book
  • “87 words I didnt’ have to write.”
  • 6ft tall by the time she was in 7th grade
  • Also wore thick glasses and was smart
  • Jr. High and Highschool were not her favorite years
  • Moving from one series to another helps her stay fresh
  • Write whatever you want in fiction because no one will ever recoginze themselves
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