Write consistent policies

CIPA Presentation 10
Originally uploaded by travelinlibrarian.

I just finished up an Infopeople presentation on CIPA and DOPA and this was the most interesting slide/topic discussed. For years now I’ve been pointing out to libraries that may have inconsistent polices and that is exactly what this slide addressed. The presenter pointed out that many libraries who fiter also have adopted the library bill of rights. However, LBR says that the library does not descriminate based on age yet the filtering system does exactly that. A great point! Do you filter based on age? If you do, then you’re in conflict with LBR…

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One Reply to “Write consistent policies”

  1. Not to get all loopholey, but LBR says “should not”, not “will not” or “shall not”. There’s also that bit in the preamble that LBR “should guide”. Sounds very recommendationish.

    Also, an argument could be made (I’m not saying it’s a good argument) that a policy which appears to discriminate based on age is actually discriminating based on legal status.

    So, I’m not sure the conflict is quite so black-and-white.

    Disclaimer: IANAL. (I wonder how many times that abbreviation has gotten web pages blocked by filters?) 🙂

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