Bloglines problem

Bloglines problem
Originally uploaded by travelinlibrarian.

I’ve been having a problem with Bloglines lately and I wonder if I’m the only one. As illustrated in the attached screenshot, I have feeds in which I’m marked one or more items as “keep new” and that is accurately reflected in the feed’s title on the left. However, when I open that feed, the kept items are not being displayed. Am I alone? Is there a solution?

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5 Replies to “Bloglines problem”

  1. I don’t have that problem anymore, but always had it with one particular feed. Never got it fixed and finally unsubscribed (for a variety of reasons).

  2. Happened to me with three blogs last month (that use different software and there wasn’t any other logical connection between the three) and I couldn’t remember for the life of me what I had marked “keep new.” I finally ended up just unsubscribing and resubscribing in frustration because I couldn’t get rid of the thing that said I had saved posts. Bloglines has had a lot of annoying quirks like this lately, but I haven’t really found any Web-based aggregator I like better.

  3. That happend to me once so now what I do is go the article and bookmark it either to the Browser or to that way I can always get to it. Oh By the way I havent tried FURL yet, but one feature they have is that it saves actual copies of a site so even if the page changes you still have access to the article that you save. Hope this helps.

  4. I am having the same problem. It started in August when Bloglines did something with their servers. Only one of my feeds ever got fixed to that I can see all the stuff it shows as saved. It is totally irritating. I e-mail Bloglines at least once a week, and all I ever get is their automated message.

  5. I had the same problem. It seemed the post I had marked “new” was maybe deleted or moved on the blog(?). That’s a theory. Anyway, unsubscribing and then subscribing to the blog solved the problem.

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