Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson
Originally uploaded by travelinlibrarian.

Yes folks, last night I went to the Ashlee Simpson concert. (I “took one for the team” as one co-worker put it.) Anyway, photos from the show can be found in my flickr account and two videos can be found on my MySpace page.

As for the show itself, opening opening act (and Ashlee’s keyboard player) Chris August was entertaining but technical difficulties with the sound distracted him a bit much. Opening act Ashley Parker Angel was actually entertaining. The young man has some talent and the songs were good. I hope he actually makes it in the long run. As for Ashlee, well I was entertained, but her incessant giggling between songs was a bit much for this old fart. (I did learn that she does know how to spell “LO, LO, LO, LOVE”. I also think that the screaming of a few thousand pre-pubescent and pubescent girls did more to damage my hearing than the music coming form the stage.

One last note, MySpace was mentioned several times from the stage. I had meant to wear my “You looked better on MySpace” t-shirt to the show but forgot to change into it and left it in the car. If there was ever a more perfect place to wear it, last night’s concert was it.

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2 Replies to “Ashlee Simpson”

  1. Woah, a comment about a comment I left on another blog which I linked to in my blog, but posted to a different post that has nothing to do with the post that the comment is commenting about… (If that makes sense to you, you get bonus points.) Anyway, because it took me so long to read Steve’s post.

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