What to do?

When a library closes, who gets the books?

The rights to thousands of books are at the center of a conroversy brewing in the Town of Tonawanda.

In question are about 30,000 books remaining at the now-closed Brighton Library, one of 15 libraries shutting down by year’s end to cut expenses in the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library system.

A citizen group, Friends of the Brighton Library, hopes to use the Brighton Road building as a community reading room and wants all the materials left behind for public use.

The town’s Library Board, meanwhile, already has planned a one-day book sale at Brighton, with the proceeds to benefit the two cash-strapped libraries staying open in Tonawanda.

Who should get the books?”>Buffalo News – When a library closes, who gets the books?

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One Reply to “What to do?”

  1. Hi,

    I just happened along your site. I have a great idea! I live on Grand Bahama Island in The Bahamas. I am assisting in Hurricane relief. We have been hit by 3 hurricanes in 12 months..the last Wilma. Several Settlements, Bahamian Village communities, had many homes washed out to sea as well as schools destroyed. We are in the process of trying to restore the schools and are looking for used books of all kinds. Even when the schools were in place, the libraries are of very poor quality due to lack of funding. If anyone would like to help, please email me at robbin@coralwave.com

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