Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t wear a watch. (For those of you who hadn’t noticed this, I’ve not worn one for the better part of a decade.) Why bother when I’m usually either in front of a computer or have my Treo within easy reach, both of which tell time quite accurately. All that being said, theYES Zulu Watch is one I’d be happy to wear. My birthday’s in September so you’ve got time to start saving your pennies.
via Gizmodo
Michael Sauers is the Technology Manager for Do Space in Omaha, NE. After earning his MLS in 1995 from the University at Albany's School of Information Science and Policy Michael spent his first 20 years as a librarian training other librarians in technology along with time as a public library trustee, a bookstore manager for a library friends group, a reference librarian, a technology consultant, and a bookseller. He has written dozens of articles for various journals and magazines and has published 14 books ranging from library technology, blogging, Web design, and an index to a popular horror magazine. In his spare time, he blogs at, runs The Collector's Guide to Dean Koontz website at, takes many, many photos, and typically reads more than 100 books a year.
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