Mecca for bibliophiles

Well, it rained all afternoon but that just made it perfect weather to spend this afternoon in Powell’s. What can I say beyond big and fun. For those of you not familiar with Powell’s, it’s the largest independent bookstore in the country (pretty much takes up a whole city block in Portland, OR) and they interfile their new and used books. I stuck to my plan and didn’t spend more than $100. (I only kept within that limit by about $1.50.) Funny part is, the larger proportion of what I spent wasn’t for me.

The coolest book I got for myself. Well, it’s a Dean Koontz title of course. Lágrimas Do Dragão. I leave it to you to figure out the language and the English title.

The most expensive book, one for Laura: Grammaire Basque. Yes, a book on Basque grammar for $38.50. Trade paperback no less. (She didn’t want the Quechua-Castiliano paperback dictionary for $68. Go figure.) It was written by am member of De L’académie de Langue Basque so I’m assuming this is an authorative work.

Later in the day, I got a call from my folks on the cell. “Hey, where are you.” My answer of “On I-5 about 30 miles North of Eugene, OR” wasn’t exactly what they expected. Welcome to my world.

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