Dean koontz book update
I just received my copy of the Holidays 2003 issue of Dean’s newsletter “Usless News”. Before I even read it I got an e-mail from my friend Noah who’s been helping me out a lot with the book. (Filling in some holes and proofreading.) But anyway, here’s something interesting that he noticed and I confirmed. Read these two excerpts from Dean and see what you think. This will show you one of the main reason’s the book is so late. (I am refraining from commenting on the actual repurcussions of this which I think you’ll be able to see for yourselves.)
“MIDNIGHT isn’t a vampire novel. Vampires do not appear in any of my novels. I have never written about a vampire in either antique or modern dress, nor in pajama’s for that matter.”
— From an afterword to Midnight (Berkley, 2004) as printed in Useless News, Holidays 2004
“Slavek appeared to shrivel a bit and looked guiltily away from the crucifix. He said, “I was Jewish before I was a vampire. There’s no reason for that device to thwart me.”
— The Haunted Earth by Dean Koontz, page 14, paragraph 2, Lancer Books, 1973.