You can go blind doing that you know
Well, three hours of looking at that damn light bar in my scanner, for books won’t let you close the cover that much, and I’ve got 133 scans done. How many to go? Who knows. I’ve gone through the trade hardcovers, that’s all. I’m maybe 20% done.
BTW, I’m not scanning every cover, just the significant ones. For example, if the HC and BCE covers are the same, I scann the HC cover. If the BCE cover is significantly different then it gets a scan too. UK covers are obly being scaned if that edition is bibliographically significant; i.e. different title, different pseudonym, only HC edition, etc.
I’ll probably keep scanning for a little while longer tonight while I’ve got the momentum but I’m starting to get a tad bit weary of the whole thing and will be calling it a night soon.
If you have a scanner I’m in need of the following (so far): covers of the UK HC editions of Icebound and DROTH. The Scans need to be 75dpi, 256-grays and full size. (Sorry, no color images in the trade edition of the book. Did you know that there will be a color plates section of the ultra rare stuff (like the edition of Beastchild bound in lizard skin) in the limited edition?)
P.S. Thanks to Bill for the UK DROTH info and to Fred for the Christmas 2000 issue of Useless News.