Kayak Attack! Kayak LessonsCopyright 1999 W. Bruce Cameron www.wbrucecameron.comReprint permission courtsey of W. Bruce CammeronSubscribe by sending the words “subscribe cameron” to majordomo@cwe.com I don’t…

Submitted & Revised The Outlook Express for Smart Computing was turned in today and I wrote a requested new introductory paragraph for my RSS article.

Insert Queen lyric here It looks like my first publisher, Quessing Courseware Corp. is no longer in business.

I’m back… Just spent three days in Pittsburg, KS and just about melted. Temp was about 100F with around 90% humditiy. Next year I get…

At least they admit they’re not of this time For those interested, the location mentioned is NW of Boston. Date: Sun, 27 Jul 03 14:31:07…

A near perfect Sunday morning Wake at 6am Load MP3 player with bootleg Prince, Sinatra’s Songs for Swingin’ Lovers & The Hooters’ Nervuos Night Hop…

New pet It’s actually raining out so I thought I’d go sit out on my back porch and enjoy the sound and the resulting cool-off.…

Finished reading Power Failure: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Enron by Mimi Swartz & Sherron Watkins

The sun over a mini-mall Caught this photo the other evening. I had to piece it together from three photos and it alloed much more…