You’re not here to save anyone… “You still can’t solve her problems for her. You can only show her the way and be there for…

Thinking of someone What are you doing here? What do you want? Is it music? We can play music. But you want more. You want…

R.i.p. slide projectors In something reminicient of by father showing vacation slides… Wait, he subjected the family to that two weeks ago. But I digress……

Makes me rethink those copies i’ve given to my folks… According to this wire report from the BBC, Peter Rowling, (J.K.’s dad,) is selling off…

Koontz book update I spoke with Rich Chizmar on the phone today and things are progressing nicely. On the big issue of setting the record…

Rumsfeld goes high tech “This is fantastic! I’ve got a laser pointer. Holy mackerel! Man—that—that’s terrific.”— Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, 27 November 2001

Jessamyn speaks! “Personally, I feel like it’s like the medical profession where they say ‘first do no harm’ I think in libraries it’s ‘first don’t…

RE: google politics Here’s an explaination on how a Google search for “misserable failure” sends you to Shrub’s bio.