Kerry then and now Wow, me, quoting from The National Review? Well, here’s two paragraphs from a recent article regarding Kerry’s views on the PATRIOT…

Thanks for the compliment Just received this e-mail regarding my L.E. Modesitt, Jr. site: i just wish to thank you for maintaining an outstanding web…

Feeling old yet Here’s an interesting one about the mindset of those entering college this past fall. My favorite: They are not familiar with the…

Feeling old yet Here’s an interesting one about the mindset of those entering college this past fall. My favorite: They are not familiar with the…

Viri There’s a nasty new little virus going around that attaches to an e-mail as a .zip file. The subjuct is usually “HI” (but not…

New library card Today’s mail included a library card from Big Horn County, MT. Check it out in my library card collection.

Spelling error I didn’t think fast enough to snag a screenshot but I just had to ‘teach’’s spellchecker the words ‘blogging’ and ‘blog’

I’m getting tired of all this sex on the news rack… i keep falling off With apologies to Monty Python Recently a CO state legislator…

Bitching about cover songs Today on Library Underground a conversation started in which many started bitching about bad cover songs. Rod Stewart’s cover of Tom…