I just stumbled over a site named fiverr.com on which people offer to do things for you for just $5. Current offers on the home…
Category: Libraries
Stephen King and his wife have agreed to pay $3 million to overhaul their century-old hometown library in Maine, as long as $6 million is…
NYPL uses filters. Fine. I’m not going to have that argument. But it looks like they block “Peer-to-Peer File Sharing” as a category. Why? A…
Over @ OEDB.org librarian and editor Ellyssa Kroski has created a list of how librarians can contribute to the cause of open access. These are:…
This sounds like a great two-day conference and I’d love to attend but I’ll be @ Computers in Libraries at that time. Did I mention…
What started out as an interesting article about the papers of William Henry Seward being digitized at the University of Rochester turns into one about…
Narrating the OPAC: How Can Storytelling and Narrative Analysis Improve the User-Friendliness of the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Wednesday, 20 March 2013, 10am CDT…
I don’t just mean out on the floor of the library, I mean really in public, like in the local paper (or their Web site),…
Funny how the library lost this case… Salem Library Director Glenda Wofford told Hunter the websites could only be unblocked if [the patron] had a…
But at this moment in nascent e-book history, is “ownership” really so vital? Is it really practical for public libraries to try to reform the…