How is this useful Congressman Fortenberry

Last week, prior to the recent NSA scandals, my Congressman was concerned about the recent IRS (maybe) scandals (on the NSA issue, so far I am unaware he even has an opinion,) his e-mail newsletter contained a “survey” on what I as a constituent tought of the IRS. However, instead of actually asking for my opinion he asked “I’m interested to know if you have ever been treated unfairly by the IRS. Have you ever had the following problems with the IRS? (Check as many as apply.)” An here are the options:

Fortenberry SurveyWhat I would like to know is how any of these choices, short of the particular one about obtaining tax exempt status, has anything to do with the issues at hand. Never mind that fact that one person’s definition of “delay” could easily be nowhere near reality if they have not expeience witht the process.

Sorry Congressman, I did not send a response to your completely partisan, let’s get the IRS, survey.


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