Blogging & RSS: A Librarian’s Guide 2nd edition on the nook

If you’re a nook user/owner (nookie? nookite?) you can now purchase Blogging & RSS: A librarian’s Guide 2nd edition on that platform. As with other eBook platforms, I, as the author, am not allowed a free copy. I have to purchase one like everyone else. That is, until someone deems it worthy of releasing into the wild.

2 Replies to “Blogging & RSS: A Librarian’s Guide 2nd edition on the nook”

  1. Hi Michael,
    I’m reading your blog as a part of the CPD23 Thing2. I’m so glad that I found it! Your blog is so visually engaging because it’s different from most others. I’m also glad to learn about your new book and will check our collection to see if we’ve ordered it yet.

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