South Dakota follow-up
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone that I met (and met again) in South Dakota last week. Despite my health issues at the end of the week I had a great time and every single person made me feel welcome at all times.
As for the current state of my health, the drive home was a very long yet uneventful four hours and I ended up sleeping more than 30 hours of the 48 hour weekend and I'm feeling much better now. There's still a little congestion that won't go away but nothing that'll stop me from attending the Library Camp Kansas unconference tomorrow. Be sure to check out what Kansas is doing and don't let SDLA and your state library forget that they both indicated that it sounded like a good idea for SD too. (Just don't forget to invite me back ;-)
As an example of a suggestion I made during my presentations, watch the Nebraska Library Commission's flickr account for photos of the painting that's being done this week. Many of us are currently in the process of emptying our office of, in some cases, decades of "stuff" so of course, photos must be taken and shared.
I did say that I took a photo of some of the signs at Bookings Public Library and that I'd loved the "Conversations in this area..." sign. Well, it looks like at least one other flickr user loves it to as stated in the photo's comments in flickr. Keep up the great work Brookings!
Lastly, with all those photos of your libraries I took, and others may be taking without you knowing it, you should take a moment and read the article The Transparent Library: Cheers and Jeers by Michael Casey and Michael Stephens. There's many items to think and talk about but there are two that specifically talk about flickr and library signage. You'll know which ones I mean when you see them.
Again, thanks to everyone in South Dakota. I look forward to visiting again in the future.