Michael going for a strike
I did get some strikes but I don't recall if this was one of them.
"You Two! We're at the end of the universe, eh. Right at the edge of knowledge itself. And you're busy... blogging!"
— The Doctor, Utopia
Unfortunately I was unable to attend the videoblogging post-conference (a.k.a. The Dave & Dave show) but I was lucky enough to attend the informal version of this training a few evenings earlier.
Sometimes at conference the ridiculous becomes sublime, insane suggestions become ideas, and ideas become accepted by others. This is the shortened story of one of those ideas. (Sorry, you'll have to ask one of the responsible parties directly if you want the foll story.)
Many of us have heard of Googlewhacking, the game in which you need to search Google using two English, non-proper-name, words and retrieve only one result. (Trust me, it is not as easy as it sounds.) In that spirit, I came up with Flickrwhacking, the idea of searching Flickr for two English, non-proper-name, words and finding only one photo. For example, search Flickr for pony and monocle, and you'll have a Flickrwhack. (Flag on the play! I uploaded this photo so it doesn't count. That's cheating.)
In the spirit of my cheating I call this game Flickrwhacking 2.0 because there is already a Flickrwhack pool that you can find on Flickr. The trouble is, that game has you assigning a unique tag and if you're in control that's hardly as much fun.
So, I hereby declare the games open, and let the Flickrwhacking begin.
Note: I did my best and I can't find a previous mention online of the game in this form. If I am not the first to come up with this please let me know and I will correct the record. Thanks to Jason, David, Michelle, and Meredith for their input and inspiration.
Labels: apple, blogger, cil2007, flickr, ipod, microsoft, rss, second life, treo, video, youtube
John Van Oudenaren, Senior Advisor, World Digital Library, Library of Congress (jvou@loc.gov)
Labels: cil2007, rochester, video, wikipedia, wikis, youtube
Labels: bittorrent, cil2007, flickr, map, rss, twitter, video, wikipedia, wikis
WiFi in the rooms is $10 a day through T-Mobile unless you're running Vista. If you are running Vista, T-Mobile is offering free access through the end of the month. Find the right link on the T=Mobile home page for the free access.
In the main ballroom, and I assume in the other conference rooms, there is free WiFi! Just look for the SSID "CIL1"
Not much to tell as I'm already as tired as if I'm on day four. My session went well but as usual I had too much material for the time allowed. I did do an audio recording of my session but I've not yet secured permission to distribute it. I'll work on that tomorrow.
I ended up trying both Wii bowling and Guitar Hero after Jenny and Aaron's session on gaming. There is video evidence of this but I have not yet secured a copy of said evidence. In the mean time, here's a video I too of David Lee King battling Aaron Schmidt in Guitar Hero. (I don't remember who won.)
I went out for dinner (sushi for me) with Louise, Jenny, Amanda and Aaron and most of us ended up meeting up with many others including Meridith and Jessamyn at the hotel bar.
Tomorrow, the sessions start. NO real plans just some intentions when it comes to attending particular sessions so you can be a surprised as I am when I post.
Labels: cil2007, conference, sushi, video, youtube
If you want to follow the Twitter feed from CIL you can find it in the conference wiki @ http://cil2007.pbwiki.com/Twitter%20Feed. There you can also find the URL for the RSS feed if you wish to subscribe in your aggregator.
If you would like your tweets to show up in this feed send an e-mail with your Twitter username to me (msauers[at]travelinlibrarian.info) and I'll add you.
I've set up a twitter account for CIL. If you are attending and wish to have you're updates passed on to the conference account, send me your Twitter username (a comment left here will do but you can also e-mail it to me,) and I'll add you. If you're not attending and wish to follow the conference via Twitter, watch http://www.twitter.com/cil2007 14-19 April 2007.
For those of you that still don't own a copy of Blogging and RSS: A Librarian's Guide and will be attending Computers in Libraries in April, I will be doing a book signing at the Information Today booth. It will be during the afternoon coffee break on Tuesday from 2:30-3:15pm. See you there!
Labels: books, cil2007, comicbooks, rss, writing