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"You Two! We're at the end of the universe, eh. Right at the edge of knowledge itself. And you're busy... blogging!"
— The Doctor, Utopia

Friday, February 09, 2007

Last meeting #1

Last night I attended my last Board of Trustees meeting for the Aurora Public Library. I've spent the past four years on the board and have enjoyed every minute of it. The other members, the library staff, Tom, the library director, and even responding to the few book challenges we've received in that time.

The extra special part of last night's meeting was I got the chance to participate in the interviewing of two people applying for several openings on the board. (I'm not the only one leaving, a few others are term limited in the next few months.) I've always enjoyed being able to talk to regular (i.e. non-librarian) citizens about their feelings and opinions when it comes to libraries and it's role when it comes to censorship and its role in the city. I was especially honored to be able to assist in finding my own replacement. We interviewed two people and our recommendations will be passed along to City Council (the folks who make the board appointments) in the next few days.

I'm proud to have served and look forward to possibly serving in a similar role when I get to Lincoln. (Though, I have promised myself a six-month hiatus from volunteering while I get settled into my new locale and new job.)

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