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"You Two! We're at the end of the universe, eh. Right at the edge of knowledge itself. And you're busy... blogging!"
— The Doctor, Utopia

Friday, February 23, 2007

Vista and Azureus

Well, my Bittorrent client Azureus had a bit of trouble with Vista a first. There were two problems. First, all existing torrents continued to work as they should but all new torrents told me that they didn't have permission to write to whatever folder I tried to put them in to. Second, the program was leaving what I can only call artifacts on the screen. For example, I would click File, then Exit and the Exit menu item would stay on the screen hovering in place in front of everything else unless I either rebooted or chose to switch users and just logged back in as myself. (Both of these totally refreshed the desktop thereby removing the artifact.) So how did I solve these problems?

  1. I typically save my torrents to a external hard drive (F:). What I found (through a bunch of online searching) is that Azureus under Vista will only save new torrents to a shared folder that is not marked as read-only. So, (since I couldn't change the read-only setting on the rood of a drive,) I created a new folder (F:\Torrents), set it as shared on my network, and then unchecked the read-only attribute. I can now save torrents to that directory.
  2. The artifacts was solved by updating my video driver through Gateway's support site. (As I did with my sound card driver.) A reboot, and the artifacts stopped appearing.

I've got another issue with updating my BIOS that I'm working with Gateway to solve byt that's not really a problem as everything's working fine (as far as I can tell) and the "issue" isn't causing any additional problems. I'll post more about that one once the issue has been solved.

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