Miles to go 48,292
Acme, inc. Even wish you could browse through a catalog of Acme products. Well now you can at The ORIGINAL Illustrated Catalog Of ACME Products
Miles to go 48,502
Joke President Bush is trying to sleep one night in the White House. He`s very restless, and in the middle of the night he looks…
Frustrating Well, today my voice got worse. A whisper is the best I can do right now so basically I’ve been told not to speak.…
Turned down I just turned down my first writing opportunity. Smart Computing asked me to do an article on how to keep your PC quiet…
Behind Sorry for the lack of posts recently but I’ve been quite ill and blogging was hardly on my list of things to do while…
Dean koontz update My paperback copy of The Paper Doorway along with both the hardcover and library binding copies of Every Day’s a Holiday have…
It’s here! My first copies of The Neal-Schuman Directory of Management Software for Public Access Computers finally arrived late this afternoon. It’s now officially available…
Author photos New photos are up on my Author photos page. Recent additions include Neal Stephenson and Terry Pratchett. Unfortuantley due to my recent illness…